Sunday, September 20, 2009


Oh, and Mommy forgot to update you on Tigger's progress. Daddy had to take him to the v-e-t for his next round of shots. He reacted badly to one a few back so he's getting them slower and with steriods. Since Mommy couldn't take him to this visit, Mommy sent Daddy with a list of things to report back:

1. How much does he weigh? 5 pounds (big kitten)

2. Are his ear mites gone because he still scratches at his ears? Yes they are.

3. Did he get his steriod shot with his vaccination? Yes.

4. Why does he have the ginormous fang on the bottom? When he lost all the baby teeth tumbling down the road and had to have the surgery, it made room for his adult fang. So he has a baby fang on one side and an adult fang on the other. But that's good news. It's just a little weird looking.

Mommy laughed and laughed when they picked her up from work and Daddy had Tigger in his PTU with a soft bed, a ton of toys and some kitty treats! Pretty spoiled kitten.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Kittens should always be spoiled rotten! We continue to purr for your family over Gandalf.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh Tiger, we sure hope ya are OK! Feelin good, gettin treats after? Gotta be treats after V-E-T visits!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Yow! Those are some sharp teefs!

Halloween said...

Hi kitties and beans. I did not know about Gandalf. We are so sorry that he was hurt by the car and went to the Bridge. That is terrible news. We're sending you belated hugs and purrs.

Halloween and her people

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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