We are pleased to announce that the second channel of KittyTV is up and running at our house (but for some reason the water looks much darker in this picture than it does in real life) and all the furballs are ecstatic, especially Smoke, pictured here checking out feeding time, and Chewie. Now they have two channels to watch: Oscar and his three bala companions in the upstairs tank and angels, tiger barbs, catfish and small balas downstairs. All cats are welcome to teleport over for some entertainment!
Now that looks like a fun cat toy!
oh boy, we haf nefur seen one of those up close! we's on our way!!
wait, BILLY, take off the wet suit and flippers or you can't come.
We agree, that is an awesome TV. We have one of those at our house too!!
We have two full channels an' a portable (that's going back to school next week ... sigh). Your are far BIGGER an' CLEANER than ours ... an' you've got bigger fishies, too. We'll be teleportin' up there! We'll bring 'nip bananas, Temptations, an' Pit-R-Pats to share during our "viewing" of your cat televisions! Yay! Do you still have a whole buncha snow?
Hmm, at least you have something interesting on TV. But then again, we have pretty good cat TV too and it's not going digital next month. We get to watch all the birdies at the feeders.
Happy New Year!
"Oh" I love this channel.Lovely yummy fishies.
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