Happy holidays to all our friends in the blogosphere. We've had a lovely Christmas here.
DaisyMae Maus sent us a new catnip banana and catnip toy along with Temptations! Mommy loved her duck and new pin. Thank you very much. Our Christmas present from Mommy and Daddy is that they are finally going to set up the new fish tank downstairs with fish!

In the meantime, we had to settle with playing with the paper and ribbons. Chewie was the best present of all.
And for all of you who asked, Mommy and Daddy sent Sammy home to his family not quite two weeks ago. They aren't sad about it all, but are happy for the time they got to spoil Sammy. Now they get to spoil us more...
It looks like a good time was had by all!
Wrapping paper, ribbons, an' a new 'nip banana are pretty darn good presents!
We're glad that your momma likes the goose. She was painted by someone special to us ... Carol Wallace. That goose is one-of-a-kind.
Yay! about the fish tank! We have three right now, 'cuz Mom brought her two school tanks home an' is only gonna take the little one back to school until she figures out where to put the big one in the new classroom. We kinda like having all of those fish to watch.
We wanna say thanks for the wonderful TEMPTATIONS that you sent. Mom's still wearin' her pin even though ChristMAUS is over. The cruise photos were a hit, too! Your momma is furry talented with her scrapbooking. Thank you!
Ooh, fishies! We haf a quarium an love to watch them. I (LC) wants ta eat them, I (Ayla) likes ta just watch them move...
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