Monday, June 30, 2008


Smoke is home from the V-E-T. Daisymae Maus' mom noticed an abcess on his face while she was here for a visit with Lucy-Furr and Ben Fuzz's mom. This morning Mom and Toni took Smoke to the V-E-T. The very nice V-E-T said that she could make him all better. They called just a couple of hours later and said he was doing well and could come home. He's in Mom and Dad's room by himself where he's supposed to be taking it easy for a couple of days. Instead he's doing every thing he can think of to get the big (clown) collar off. Mom said "so much for following the instructions to keep him calm and quiet!"

On another note, we had a wonderful visit with the moms and got lots of Pit'r'Pats and Temptations! It was great to have more people here to pet us and love us and Cha-Ching even came out from under the bed (with a lot of coaxing) for a visit too. We hope they have a safe trip home but come back for a visit soon.

Finally, because Mom took the whole day off work, she took the afternoon off as an opportunity to go get her hair cut. It was finally long enough that she could donate it to Locks of Love and still have enough left for herself. They took off a whole foot! It's gone from long enough to tie in a knot on its own to just about chin length. While it was an easy thing to do to help out others, it was getting pretty long and heavy. Mom's pretty happy to have it shorter again with all the warm weather coming. Altogether it's been a great experience and she's pretty sure she's just going to grow it out all over again so she can donate again.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Purrs for Smoke. Abcesses are no fun

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow ... You accomplished a whole lot in the time it took for Mom and Auntie Toni to drive back to Seattle after their visit. Mom is good at finding stuff that needs to be "checked" by the V-E-T ... it's a good thing that Smoke is doing well after his abcess was removed. Those suck.

Yay! Your momma had enough for Locks of Love ... They didn't want Mom's hair 'cuz it is way too fine to do much with ...

Thanks to all of you for takin' such good care of my momma an' auntie.


The Meezers or Billy said...

purrrss for Smoke!.

Samantha & Mom said...

We are glad Smoke is home and getting well! Hi Zoey!!! ::waving paws::
Your FL furiends,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I'm glad Smoke is OK. Absecces are weerd. I got one onna chin once from bein bit by a mousie I was grabbin.


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